Jet Seal Masthead

Frequently Asked Questions

Are metal seals reusable?
For safety purposes and to ensure optimal seal performance, we do not recommend reuse.
What determines typical leakage rates?
Many factors affect leakage rates including seal profile, surface finishing, plating, load and the condition of the mating flanges.
We strive to reduce leakage rates to a fraction of the smallest percentile through rigorous testing with our Quality Assurance department. For example, a leakage rate of 1E-10 can be achieved with our plated C-Seals
How can I calculate bolt load?
Bolt load depends on a number of factors including seal line load, internal pressure, movements about the joint, additional axial loads and joint deflection.
To calculate bolt load, start with the formula T = (.2)df
Where: T = torque in pounds; d = normal bolt diameter in inches; f = axial bolt load in pounds.
See pg. 15 of our Sealing Guide.
What are JETSEAL's handling recommendations?
Keep all seals in their individual packaging, avoiding direct contact with other seals and surfaces, until installation. Any damage or scratches made to the seal surface may compromise the seal's reliability, durability and calculated leakage rate.
Wear cloth gloves when handling plated seals (especially silver, tin and gold) to avoid transferring body oils to the sealing line.
Install the seal into a joint only after cleaning the installation area and ensuring the mating surfaces are clear of foreign material.
Use extreme care if direct seal measurements are needed where using calipers or micrometers can easily damage a plated surface.
What plating does JETSEAL recommend?
The operating temperature, pressure, and fluid medium are a few of the critical parameters that determine the correct type of plating and thickness. 
Since surface roughness on the mating surfaces directly affects the sealing ability of resilient metal seals, we recommend a surface roughness no greater than 32 Ra for gas or liquid sealing applications. 
The proper plating for your application can be determined by our engineers.
How should seals be compressed?
For flanged joints, tighten the flange bolts sequentially in a star or similar pattern attempting to evenly compress the seal.
Do you have a question about our products or metal seals?
View our Sealing Guide or Contact Us and we will promptly respond.