JETSEAL's patented metal Super C-Seal ring is designed for applications requiring higher spring back and a tighter seal, enhancing both pressure and leakage performance. Super C-Seals can directly replace existing
C-Seals for superior deflection without modifying the application cavity.
Super C-Seal rings can substitute for metal O-ring gaskets where low spring back or weld
leakage cause failures or poor performance.
Operating Conditions:
- Operating pressure range:...........Vacuum (1E-10 torr.) to 50,000 psi
- Functional temperature range:.....Cryogenic to 1300°F (704°C)
- Typical leakage rate:....................1E-9 sccs He/mm circ.
Metallic Options:
- Alloy 718 (AMS 5596, 5589, 5662)
- Alloy X-750 (AMS 5598, 5582, 5667)
- Waspaloy (AMS 5544, 5706, 5586, 5708)
- Other metallic options are available
Plating/Coating Options:
- Plasma/HVOF wear coatings
- PTFE (AMS 2515)
Application Data Sheets are available in Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Farsi,
and Hebrew from JETSEAL's
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